
Please read the following rules carefully before signing in. Rules of website use and use of our services and infomation (the “Rules”)

This page (together with the documents which may refer to on it) tells youthe terms on which you may:

• use the website at “WebSite”);
• register as a customer of the WebSite;
• participate in ourinvestment solutions and our referral program (as defined below) on the WebSite; and makeuse of all available to it content of the WebSite.

Please read these Rules carefully before you start to use the (“WebSite”), useall or some materials or content, and/or before starting the cooperation with (“Company”) via the WebSite. You should understand that by registering andusing our WebSite, using all or some materials or content you signify your acceptance ofthis Rules and that you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree to these Rules,please refrain from using or visiting the WebSite.

The WebSite is owned and operatedby (“”, “Company”, “We” or “Us”)

The registration on the WebSite. Account creating prohibitions

Access to certain areas of the WebSite will be restricted to registeredmembers only.

If you do accept our Rules, We will provide you the personal account which you will use (by your UserName and Password) to access certainparts of the WebSite. You must treat this information as confidential and you must notdisclose it to any third party.

You confirm that all the details supplied by you whenyou register are accurate and complete. You agree to notify the globalstocktrade.onlinesupport ( promptly of any changes. Should you make any significantchange to your details, you must notify Us not less than ten (10) days before the changetakes effect.

We reserve the right to disable any Customer globalstocktrade.onlineaccount, whether chosen by you or allocated by Us at any time, if in our opinion you havefailed to comply with any of the provisions of these Rules.

In order to operate youraccount you will have created a Password by your self. You are responsible for the securityand proper use of your Password and your account, including allcharges incurred through them. You must inform the support( immediately if you have any reason to believe that your Password havebecome known to someone not authorized to use them. If We reasonably believe that there islikely to be a breach of security or misuse of the service or your account, We may changeyour password immediately and will notify you accordingly.

You must be prepared togive us your “secret question” and “secret answer” for verification purposes in thiscase.

The registration on the WebSite consists of:

• a. acceptance of thisRules;
• b. providing of your non-personally-identifying and personal information;
•c. confirm of your registration. from this point all content that is available for you as aour customer (“Customer”, “You”) on an open access basis, with the exception of your account.
You can not create the account if you aminor under the laws of their country.

If you register on the WebSite, this allowsyou:

• to make any investment actions;
• to get the raferral rewards;
• topersonalise the service we provide to you in relation to our investment solutions. Registration is required in order to access your account.

Accessing and Usage of the WebSite and Services

Use of the WebSite is restricted to those aged 18 or over only. Anyoneunder the age of 18 may only use the WebSite if accompanied by an adult.

Whilst Weendeavor to ensure that the WebSite is normally available 24 hours a day, access to theWebSite is provided on a temporary basis, and Company reserve the right to withdraw or amendthe services We provide on the WebSite without notice. We will not be liable if for anyreason the WebSite is unavailable at any time or for any period.

We aim to update ourWebSite regularly, and may from time to time change the our services and/or our investmentsolutions as well as the Rules, referral program and other pages of the WebSite. If the needarises, We may suspend access to the WebSite, or close it indefinitely in order to improveor update its features and productivity.

You are responsible for making allarrangements necessary for you to have access to the WebSite and the Services, including theinvestment, financial and funds withdrawals actions. You are also responsible for ensuringthat all persons who access the WebSite through your Internet connection are aware of theseRules and that they comply with them and you also understand that You and not Us areresponsible for all electronic communications and content sent or receives from yourcomputer to Us or from Us to You.

You can create only one account.

We keep the right can very easily and pinpoint who is causing us of suchkind problems, making the multiple registrations. We will checking your IP-address, yourPC’s ID and other identificators. And in case, if we will discover the customer’s multipleregistrations, we shall block all accounts of such customer and all money which can be atall of such accounts are will be taken away irrevocably.

Viruses, hacking and other offenses

You must not misuse the WebSite by knowingly introducing viruses, Trojans,worms, logic bombs, or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. Youmust not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the WebSite or any part of it, the server onwhich the WebSite is stored, or any server, computer, or database connected to the WebSite.You must not attack the WebSite via a denial-of-service attack or a distributeddenial-of-service-attack (DDoS).

By breaching this provision, you would commit acriminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act #1990. We will report any such breach to therelevant law enforcement authorities and We will co-operate with those authorities bydisclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use theWebSite and/or our Services will cease immediately.

We will not be liable for anyloss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses, or othertechnologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs,data, or other proprietary material due to your use of the WebSite or due to yourdownloading of any material posted on it, or any website linked to it.

Linking Linking to the WebSite

You may link to our home page using the sharing tools (the unique referrallinks, banners) provided by Us provided you do so for non-commercial (for inviting newparticipants) purposes and in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage ourreputation or take advantage of it. You must not establish a link in such a way as tosuggest any form of association, approval, or endorsement on our part where none exists orin a way that makes content available to a third party who would not otherwise have freeaccess to it. Authors and co-authors of an article published by Us should refer to theCompany’s Administration for further information on linking to their own article.

Our liability

The WebSite and the Services are provided on an “as is” basis. Subject tothe below, Company excludes all liability whether in contract, tort (including liability fornegligence), or otherwise for the suitability, accuracy, or fitness for any purpose of theWebSite and any Services and actions and limits its liability for any other liability underthese Rules or any related agreement to the fees payable by you for the element of theWebSite or the Services found to be in breach of these Rules.

Subject to the below Weexclude all liability for loss of business revenue or profits, anticipated savings, orwasted expenditure, corruption, or destruction of data or for any indirect or consequentialloss whatever.

Save as expressly permitted in these Rules, all warranties,conditions, or other terms implied by statute, common law, or otherwise are excluded byCompany to the fullest extent permitted by law.

The Services may be out of date atany given time, and while We may from time to time update the Services We are under noobligation to do so.

Payments and Withdrawals

All financial transactions, including, but not limitations by this, theall payments requests are performed up to 72 hours.All payments are made only to that paymentprocessor, which Customer at making deposit has used.

All referral payments are madeonly to that payment processor, which Customer’s referral at making deposit hasused.

Minimal amount, which is available for withdrawal is 0.1USD.

Allreferral payments are made only to that payment processor, which Customer’s referral atmaking deposit has used.


We strongly keep any Customer data in the confidentiallyconditions.

Our Privacy Policy, like and other Policies, is an integral part of theseRules.

Conflicting terms

In the event and to the extent of any conflict between the provisions ofthese Rules and any other agreement which can be referred to in these Rules, the provisionsof the other agreement will apply.

Content Standards

These Content Standards apply to each a issue, regarding to yourinvestment activity and cooperation with Us whole.

Please do not:
• Spam byreposting the same message, or very similar messages, more than once;
• Publicize orattempt to publicize anyone else’s contact details or compromise anyone else’s privacy inany way;
• And/or use any name other than your bona fide family name.

In addition,please do not submit issues which:
• Include advertisements, promotions of products orservices, or any third-party links;
• Are in any language other than English;
•And/or are in full capital letters.

Furthermore an issue must:
• Be accurate (where itstates facts);
• Be genuinely held (where it states opinions);
• Comply with the lawapplicable in England and Wales and in any country from which it is posted;
• And/or berelevant.

An issue or any request to any Our feedback department must not:
• Bedefamatory of any person and/or otherwise be unlawful or fraudulent, or have any unlawful orfraudulent purpose or effect;
• Be obscene, offensive, hateful, or inflammatory;
•Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexualorientation, or age;
• Disclose the name, address, telephone, mobile, or fax number,email address or any other personal data in respect of any individual;
• Infringe anycopyright, database right, or trade mark of any other person;
• Breach any legal dutyowed to a third party, such as a contractual duty or a duty of confidence;
• Be incontempt of court;
• Be likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm, or annoy any otherperson;
• Impersonate any person, or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with anyperson;
• Give the impression that the contribution emanates from Company if this is notthe case;
• Promote, incite any third party to commit, or assist any unlawful or criminalact;
• Contain a statement which you know or believe, or have reasonable grounds forbelieving, that members of the public to whom the statement is, or is to be, published arelikely to understand as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to thecommission, preparation, or instigation of acts of terrorism;
• And/or contain anyadvertising or promote any services or web links to other websites.

Breach Breach of Content Standards

If, acting reasonably, We consider that a breach of the Content Standardshas occurred, We may at our discretion take such action as We deem appropriate. Failure tocomply with these Rules constitutes a material breach of these Rules whole on which you arepermitted to use the Public Areas, and may result to a fine.

Written communications

Applicable laws require that some of the information or communications Wesend to you should be in writing. When using the WebSite, you accept that communication withUs will be mainly electronic. We will contact you by email or provide you with informationby posting notices on the WebSite.You agree to this electronic means of communication andyou acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information, and other communications that Weprovide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications bein writing. This communication does not affect your statutory rights.

You agree tokeep confidential all information concerning the business or affairs of Company. This doesnot apply to any disclosure required by a court or regulatory body of competentjurisdiction, trivial information, or information already publicly available or demonstrablyin your possession at the time of disclosure (other than as a result of breach of anyconfidentiality obligation).

All notices given by you to Us must be given to Companyat We may give notice to you at the email you provide to Us atregistration. Notice will be deemed received and properly served immediately when posted onthe WebSite, 24 hours after an email is sent. In proving the service of any notice, it willbe sufficient to prove such email was sent to the specified email address of the Customeraddressee.


If any of these Rules are determined by any competent authority to beinvalid, unlawful, or unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition, or provision willto that extent be severed from the remaining terms, conditions, and provisions which willcontinue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Entire agreement

These Rules represent the entire agreement between us in relation to thesubject matter of any contract and supersede any prior agreement, understanding, orarrangement between us, whether oral or in writing.

We each acknowledge that, inentering into a contract, neither of us has relied on any representation, undertaking, orpromise given by the other or implied from anything said or written in negotiations betweenus prior to such contract, except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions.

Neitherof us shall have any remedy in respect of any untrue statement made by the other, whetherorally or in writing, prior to the date of any contract (unless such untrue statement wasmade fraudulently) and the other party’s only remedy shall be for breach of contract asprovided in these Rules.

Our right to vary these Rules

We have the right to revise and amend these Rules or any clause containedwithin then from time to time to reflect changes in market conditions affecting ourbusiness, changes in technology, changes in payment methods, changes in relevant laws andregulatory requirements, and changes in our system’s capabilities except that such revisionsor amendments do not apply to any dispute between you and Us arising, or arising out ofevents occurring, BEFORE the date of such revision or amendment.

You will be subjectto the Policies and Rules in force at the time that you cooperate with Us making deposit orobtaining the referral rewards, unless any change to those Policies or these Rules isrequired to be made by law or governmental authority.

Law and jurisdiction

You agree that the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction tosettle any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Rules or their formation. Forthese purposes each party irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of England.